I'm Lado Okhotnikov
First, I would like to formally introduce myself: I am Lado Okhotnikov, Founder and CEO of Holiverse (former Meta Force).
Now, unfortunately, there are a lot of rumors going around my name, so I’d like to introduce you to my interview, where I’m very detailed about myself. I hope most of the rumors are put to rest.
Well, after a formal introduction, I would like to talk about my main project Holiverse.
It’s more than business to me. This is the realization of my beliefs and principles, so I am giving all my strength for Holiverse take a worthy place in the pyramid of crypto business.

I mentioned my principles. It is important to speak about them to understand the philosophy of Holiverse.
Freedom. I’m talking about real freedom. Everyone has the right to be self-sufficient and not to depend on circumstances, on the employer, on the State.
Justice. The world is full of injustice. We see deception, lies, violence. Satoshi Nakamoto’s ingenious invention provided a technical opportunity to restore justice. At one time there was a beautiful saying: «God created men strong and weak. Samuel Colt made them equal». These words can now be applied to Satoshi Nakamoto.
Openness. Relationships in both business and personal communication should be transparent. There is nothing worse than silence and understatement.
Before the advent of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, these principles were rather beautiful declarations. But now we can implement them using new technologies.
I’m considered a crypto enthusiast, and rightly so. Yes, I am a crypto enthusiast, and I do my best to promote the values of the crypto community and to counter attempts to take control of cryptocurrencies. We must keep our freedom.

So, let me introduce the Holiverse platform.
On the site you will find the most complete information about the platform, its functionality and your capabilities.
I am often asked the question: is there an analogue for Holiverse? Answer: no, there is no analogue. Here we have absolutely new system, including ideology, and technical implementation.
Holiverse is a metauniverse, a new world that awaits you. We have gamified the interaction of platform and users. You’ll just be interested in coming in and spending time.
Holiverse is a platform for real earning. And here you have almost unlimited opportunities.
The simplest option is to create your own world, build blocks and receive rewards. You can do mining, interact with other users, look for work… There are really many options, and on the site, we will tell you in detail about each.
It is very important to note: you can enter and withdraw funds without restrictions. Repeat: without restrictions. Holiverse is built on the principles of freedom, justice and openness.
In fact, I highly recommend you go to the Holiverse and check what it is. Our platform definitely will not leave you indifferent.

Rebranding: Meta Force died, long live Holiverse!
In two years, the business has grown so much that the initially built corporate structure no longer corresponds to the new high level. Restructuring was becoming inevitable.
Now all business from the platform is moving to the metaverse, which is becoming the center of Holiverse. New directions are also integrated into the Holiverse environment. Since the old name is associated with the platform, it was decided to rebrand both the company itself and its digital products. So: the company has transformed into Holiverse, the native token (a fork of the old Forcecoin) is now called Holichain. However, the name change is secondary, the internal infrastructure of the business itself has changed. In the first days, the main concerns of the user were related to the succession of the new company.
However, all the rights and obligations of the "old" structure were fully transferred to the "new" one. For Holiverse, rebranding is largely a forced measure that can minimize risks and take the business to a new level. Users, despite concerns, turned out to be winners - now they interact with a fundamentally stronger and more expensive company. Meta Force went down in history, leaving a bright mark. Its place was taken by Holiverse - the result of startup evolution that was launched two years ago.
Meet me at the Holiverse!
Yours, Okhotnikov, Holiverse