Lado Okhotnikov: How Durov’s Generous Gift of 50% of Advertising Revenue Can Affect the Telegram Growth And Content Creators
Recently, increasing attention has been paid to the issue of de-dollarization in the digital space, in particular in the metaverse.
Meta Force: A Leading Pioneer in Shaping the Future of Cryptocurrency and the Metaverse
Since its launch to date, Meta Force has united over 1.6 million users and active members have earned over 1.5 billion DAI.
Goodbye Old Dollars - Congressman Thomas Massie Proposes Eliminating the Fed | Lado Okhotnikov
Congressman Massie initiates the liquidation of the Federal Reserve System. Abolition is an extremely radical measure with unpredictable consequences for the entire financial system.
Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov Launches Trading P2P Service
Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov announced the launch of p2p service.
Don't miss the premiere of “Drive the Force” today!
The video lasts only 2 minutes, but will demonstrate the grandiose scope expected in the films of our Cineverse.
The Biggest Failures of 2023: Insights from Lado Okhotnikov on Technological Chaos
Let's delve into the tech startup realm with Lado Okhotnikov's