Meta Force Metaverse: Lado Okhotnikov About the Stability and Reliability of the Virtual World | Lado Okhotnikov
Lado Okhotnikov

Lado Okhotnikov, a founder of Meta Force, sees the future in decentralized finance. He managed to build not just an ecosystem but an entire world that belongs to each participant. As Lado himself states, here everyone has the right to their place in this digital Universe where possibilities are limited only by the imagination.

“If we create a digital world where participation requires high technological skills, then we will exclude most people from this process. However, if we focus on making creativity and play accessible and fun for everyone, we can turn the Metaverse into a new playing field with equal opportunities.”

Lado Okhotnikov says that while in the race of technological progress, we must not forget about the true goal when absolutely all people must find themselves in the virtual world.

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