Vladimir Okhotnikov: How One Libertarian Became a President | Lado Okhotnikov
Lado Okhotnikov

Vit Jedlicka: Liberland is destroyed, but not broken.

Liberland is a project that does not isolate citizens from participating in the life of the state, but rather encourages them to do so.

However, not everyone shares Vit Jedlicka’s desire to make the state the way it should really be. Against this backdrop, Croatian authorities invaded Liberland in mid-September. A group of police and forestry representatives confiscated the personal property of citizens.

As a result of the incident, all buildings were completely destroyed, including the security building in Liberland.

Despite this incident, Liberland plans to continue its path to an innovative future. 

Regardless of the circumstances, one thing is clear: with the rise of the Metaverses, we are entering a new era where traditional ideas about work and the role of government are changing, and value is determined solely by skills transferred to virtual reality.

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